Survival Knife

10 Magnificent Uses of A Survival Knife


A survival knife is one of the first weapons that a man-made to ensure his survival in the wild.

Though it is the best fixed blade knife that can save your life during survival situations, this knife is enormously powerful and has a number of distinct advantages.

This is the reason why this knife has secured a special place despite the presence of hundreds of other knives in the market.


Let us introduce you to the 10 most popular uses of this knife.


1 – Cutting and Slicing:

If you are tired of spending hours and hours in cutting vegetables or in trying to slice meat with your blunt knife, here is an escape to all this.

This knife features a sharp blade that is intended to make such tasks easier and quicker than usual. So, hurry up and grab one to add comfort and ease to your life.


2 – Self Defense Tool:

Sharp tools often serve as great self-defense weapons. Similarly, this knife is one of the most used self-defense tools the world over. People love it for the terror that it casts on the opponent’s mind.


Therefore, keeping a survival knife with you ensures that you will stay safe and sound.


3 – First Aid Weapon:

You can even use this knife to serve as a first-aid weapon in case of an emergency situation. It can be used to take the bullet out of an injured person’s body.

You may even use it to cut open a bandage or medicine in the absence of scissors.


4 – Cutting wood:

Are you looking for a suitable weapon to cut wood for burning fire? Are you stuck on an isolated island?

There is nothing to worry about if you are having a survival knife with you. Yes, you have read it right.

Also Read: Camo Folding Knife As Your Survival Knife- A Suggestion


5 – Use As A Hammer:

This knife can even satisfy your hammer related needs. You can use its pommel as a hammer and this itself is a distinctive feature of this versatile tool.


6 – Making Shelter:

If you are in an alien land enjoying with your friends or family and you need to make temporary shelter, you can make use of this knife.

It will surely make things easier and better for you.


7 – Igniting Fire:

You can easily scrap the inner portion of barks with this exceptionally sharp knife to ignite a fire.

So, if you are feeling cold simply hold this knife and search for a tree around you. You will soon be able to feel the warmth of firewood.


8 – Butchering:

You may even use this knife to cut and slice a fish or any other animal that can serve as emergency food for you.

You will be amazed at this surprising ability of a survival knife.

Don’t miss out on the complete skinning knife buying guide!


9 – Camping

Are you on a campsite and the annoyingly long bushes are constantly making it difficult for you to set a camp? Get ready to get rid of them.

Simply hold this knife and clear your way. It will surely lessen your workload.


10 – Carving Wood:

This utility is for those who are fond of carving names and designs on a piece of wood. These carved pieces can then serve as valuable home décor items.



Precisely, one must keep a survival knife with him all the time since it is a multi-purpose tool that can immensely add ease and comfort to your life.

Click here to know – 10 significant items you can add to your survival gear